Thursday, February 6, 2014

Text of the day

I love getting texts of my baby girl when I'm at work. Irie's trying to bring some some sunshine to this rainy day. 

Don't mind the mismatched socks. Apparently her babysitter thinks they're in style. 

It's cold and rainy today in the Bay. It ain't as cold as the rest of America. Hope you're staying warm wherever you are!       xoxo

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mommy Guilt: Vaccinations

I'm feeling like a horrible mother.  Irielle got her 4 month shots last Friday during her 4 month checkup.  Her checkup went great.  She's healthy and growing at a good rate.  She's surprisingly only 13.6lbs. She looks huge so I thought she'd be at least 15lbs.  Sef and Mina thought she was near the 20lb range. Pssh. But the doctor said she's growing in length (24.5" now) so she's stretching out. Her big ol head is on the 85 percentile of her age. No surprise there lol

So my guilt comes from not knowing enough about the vaccines she's gotten. As a mother I should know EVERYTHING that goes into my baby. I never really gave it the thought or doubt because these vaccinations are for her health. For her to be strong and healthy, right? But after I noticed round marks around the areas on her thighs where she had gotten shots I started to worry. She never reacted like this from her 2 month shots. My sister suggested giving her Tylenol if Irie seemed to be extra fussy and to monitor the marks. My poor baby slept aaaamazing last night! Since her sleep regression started, it was the best sleep in a month! So happy it helped her sleep but it also made me sad. Sad that my poor baby was extra fussy all weekend and I had no inclination that it could've been from pain from her shots :( I feel horrible! I could've helped her ease the discomfort with Tylenol. 
While I wished my pediatrician had given me more information on the vaccines and would have told me what to expect, side effects, treatment, etc., I blame myself for not taking initiative and doing my own prior reaserch. 

I'm so sorry Irie. I promise to educate myself on all your vaccinations . I need to dust off my "What to Expect the First Year" and get to reading. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quest Continues

Oh the paaaaiiiiiin!!!! 
I still love you Niners.
Better luck next year.  May the Quest for 6 continue.


Thursday, January 16, 2014


New year. New blog. 

I started one in 2011 after I was reunited with my long lost mother (25 years later) and my beautiful sisters as a way to keep in touch and showcase a little bit of myself to them.    That was a major fail.    I'm back, but this time not alone.  

2013 was a year of growth and a year full of blessings.  I was given the greatest gift God could have ever blessed me with...a beautiful daughter. My mini.  My sunshine. My everythang. Her name is Irielle.

 Me....I'm Tupouleota.  Tupou to the professional world.  Pou to my everyday folks. I'm a new baby mama working a fulltime 8-5 office job living in thee Bay Area ((GO NINERS!)) looking forward to new adventures and progress!  This is my journal.  Wish I started it last year to record my pregnancy but hey, better late than never, right? I want to be able to look back later in life and see how I've grown and most importantly how Irie has grown.  Here's our story...